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A Rags To Riches Story

h1> Spider-Man's Suit Hits the Market in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #15

A Rags-to-Riches Story

The Amazing Spider-Man #15, written by Dan Slott and illustrated by Mark Bagley, brings us a surprising turn of events. A garbage man finds Spider-Man's discarded costume and brings it to the Daily Bugle to sell. This leads to a chain of events that will have major implications for the web-slinger.

The Costume's Journey

As a new, inexperienced superhero, Peter Parker quickly realized that his homemade suit was not cutting it. It was too revealing and didn't provide enough protection. So, he discarded it and created the iconic red and blue suit that we all know and love.

Apparently, that old suit didn't just end up in the trash. It was salvaged and made its way to the Daily Bugle, where it was picked up by J. Jonah Jameson. Jameson, Spider-Man's biggest critic, can't wait to use this opportunity to discredit the hero.

The Bugle's Plan

Jameson plans to have the costume analyzed and expose Spider-Man's weakness. He believes that it will show that Spider-Man is just an ordinary person and not the menace he's made out to be.

However, Jameson's plan may backfire. If the costume is analyzed, it could reveal that Spider-Man has a special gift. And that could lead to even more trouble for the web-head.
