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By Madison Muller Bloomberg News

Ozempictown, USA: The Kentucky City Where Weight-Loss Drugs Transformed a Community

By Madison Muller, Bloomberg News

Bowling Green, Kentucky, has one of the highest concentrations of people taking weight-loss drugs like Ozempic in the United States. And it's not just waistlines that are changing.

In this small city of 68,000 people, located about an hour south of Nashville, it seems like everyone is talking about Ozempic, a once-a-week injectable drug that has been shown to help people lose weight by suppressing their appetite and increasing their metabolism. In fact, Bowling Green has one of the highest concentrations of people taking Ozempic in the country, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And it's not just the number of people taking Ozempic that's noteworthy. It's also the impact that the drug is having on the community. People are losing weight, feeling better about themselves, and even changing their lifestyles.

For some, Ozempic has been a life-changing drug. Take Jenny, a 42-year-old Bowling Green resident who lost 100 pounds after taking Ozempic for a year. "I feel like a new person," she said. "I have more energy, I'm more confident, and I'm finally able to do things that I couldn't do before, like go for walks and play with my kids."

But not everyone is happy about the sudden influx of people taking Ozempic. Some doctors worry that the drug is being overprescribed and that it could lead to serious side effects, such as pancreatitis and gallbladder disease. Others worry that the drug is creating a false sense of hope for people who are struggling with weight loss.

Despite the concerns, Ozempic continues to be a popular drug in Bowling Green. And for many people, it's making a real difference in their lives.
